Fortune or Misfortune?
Solstices and eclipses have been associated with both high and low turning points and can coincide with peak success moments. Beethoven was a struggling musician until 1809 when his astrology was affected by an eclipse and three patrons supplied him with a life income. The famous artist Van Gogh was inspired into his five most prolific years when coincidentally an eclipse featured in his chart in 1885.
But an eclipse to Nelson Mandela’s chart in June 1964 timed with a life mix that became imprisonment, and the loss of Princess Diana coincided with a solar eclipse to her chart in September 1997. Eclipses can indicate peak energy times for highs and lows, stress or success, when there’s a turning point in the air.
Throughout time, solstices and eclipses have captured humanity’s attention and were mostly feared until we became accustomed to their cyclic repetition! Eclipses at full or new moons, every six months, and Solstices in June and Dec, also every six months.
Yet the ancient sense of fate associated with solstices and eclipses still lingers. Is this a hangover from the past or is there something to it? If you know an eclipse or solstice is on its way and your intuition is picking something up, it’s a good time to check your astrology.

Predestination or Personal Creation?
What then can you expect for yourself when an eclipse or solstice makes an alignment to your chart? If you know an eclipse or solstice is on its way and your intuition is picking something up, it’s a good time to check your astrology. With life’s hidden energies at work, astrology can help pinpoint patterns you and life have been creating over the previous six months.
Spectacular or Eerie? Ask Christ and Ask Buddha!
During an Eclipse, when the sun or moon is momentarily blotted out, physical light dims, silence takes over and the energy feels ‘in-between’. It’s similar with Solstices but they are more Cosmic and unseen. We can actually see the Sun or Moon eclipsed, but we can’t see a Solstice… yet good old Christ has helped us remember the date of Solstices, by getting his birthday, locked so far for 2000+ years right near the December solstice date… 20 to 25 December. Solstices in our era generally happen around 21, 22 or 23 Dec.
Willpower or Go Within?
To encourage breakthroughs, not stress-outs around eclipse and solstice time, it pays to connect within. What’s subliminal might express as creative behaviour and allow greater insight. Or as aggro type behaviour similar to Christ knocking over all those tables at that merchant’s market when he cracked a wobbly! Buddha teaches us how to go within and it’s interesting that Wesak ‘Buddha’s Birthday’ falls in the month before the June solstice, May. So I tend to remember that June solstice is on its way in May!
We like to think willpower and effort are the key factors influencing our destinies, and certainly they are important, but the soul and its moods and desires are also at play, not to mention the rhythms of life itself, so going within at the June solstice to meditate and basically chillax can be a good plan!
Legacy or Lasting Bonus?
Remarkably, even after death, a person’s horoscope cycles with eclipse and solstice seasons. The diary of Beatrix Potter, author of the Peter Rabbit series, was published in 1966 when an eclipse powerfully aligned with her chart twenty-three years after her death, bringing her and her life’s contribution once again into the public eye.
Go here for this year’s eclipse dates and information on the astrology of eclipses.
© Michelle Proctor,