Mercury Retrograde – Trials and Turning Points
Mercury Retrograde has a reputation for affecting life’s direction a few times a year, but is this really true? Similar to accounts of full moons inflaming emotions, so too when Mercury is retrograde, studies show increased crossed-wires, transport running late, cars breaking down and other unexpected happenings.
Some police stations and hospitals around the world roster extra staff at full moons to handle the intensity, but what about Mercury Retros? Should you plan for them?

Mercury the Messenger – Got the Message?
Mercury Retros can try our patience or inspire belief in life’s hidden help. Similar to full moons, they have the potential to bring special insight that supports life’s progress once we’ve ‘got the message’.
Mercury, after all, is the Messenger archetype. Like a coach pulling aside an athlete to share advice, when Mercury retrogrades, life steps into your day to tell you something you need to know and often in unusual ways. At first you might wonder ‘What the?’ at the weird thing, but eventually realise its deeper significance.
Disaster or strength training to success?
One client took on the lease of her shop under Mercury Retro and was beside herself at the disasters that unfolded. She was heartbroken and thought life was telling her she’d made a mistake to believe in herself and follow her path. But not so, as the shop ended up becoming a success.
Life was giving a chance for something in the soul to express itself, not only her personal soul, but the family, neighbourhood and community soul. How did the shop fit into life’s web of interconnections?
We’re all connected by energy lines through the body electric, and soul connections can feel more obvious under Mercury Retro.
Mercury the Communicator – Communication is Key
Like a sitcom where people tip-toe with words but eventually try out truth, extra communication effort is often needed, or silence and sensitivity until the right moment. Another client under Mercury Retro spent time sorting out a major communication mishap with family and friends and life helped with numerous spontaneous chance meetings, similar to what Jung’s studies validate about synchronicity.
It can be good preparation to create the buffer of extra time during these periods. Life might need you to slow down or rush to be in the right place for news and information to be shared.
Even a lucky few weeks?
Some people move through Mercury Retro without any spanners in the works, and some even have a lucky few weeks to back track, find and fix errors and think ahead about what’s coming up.
Should you double-check arrangements, choose words wisely and have a spare set of keys when Mercury goes retrograde? It can’t hurt as forgetfulness can feature during these times. It also helps to flow with life’s fluctuations and find time to carefully contemplate their meaning even while we hop, skip and jump through them!
Go here for this year’s Mercury Retro dates and information on the astrology of Mercury retrograde. Mercury generally retrogrades three times a year for three weeks each time.
© Michelle Proctor,