Mars Leo! Jupiter Taurus! Mercury D Shadow!
Months of the year! What a March to May it is every year! Every May brings May Day ‘may-hem’ and every March brings the Crux of 20 to 23rd of March when the planet’s intersecting cycles and circuits reach edge points (Equinoxes are Cross or Crux impact months, Mar & Sept). This March, Saturn into Pisces and Pluto into Aquarius, and now that it’s May, the other biggie is Jupiter into Taurus.
From 21 May Mars in Leo
The abbreviation for March is Mar and Mars has just changed zodiac sign this May! As Retro when the year started, Mars didn’t go fully Direct until 13 January, and since then has only been in Gemini and Cancer. Now from 21 May, Mars is in Leo, bringing double-fiery passionate and excited. Enjoy the spruced-up vibe after sensitive, emotional, imaginative, dreamy Mars time in Cancer if you felt bogged in emotion or drawn into day or night dreams in deeper ways than usual.
Mercury Direct 15 May and still in Shadow
Speaking of Directs and Retros, Mercury has just come out of a retrograde (15 May) and is still in Taurus, taking it slowly. Whilst in this slow stage, Mercury is vibing with Jupiter (already at 01 Taurus) which will now spend the next 12 months in the zodiac’s first earth element sign.
Jupiter into Taurus 17 May for 12 months
Jupiter in Taurus releases us from the double-fire of Jupiter in Aries, which was our past 12 months. Venus is in Cancer too helping with continuing heartfelt awareness in the trend of soul care and self-other care, even though Mars is now in boisterous dynamic get-out-there with your megaphone for your own projects, Leo.
Are We Really Out of Mercury Retro?
Wiradjuri (NSW) woman Astrophysicist writes: Your Guide To The Mercury Retrograde Shadow Period. Being always excited to read anything by an astrophysicist on cycles that astrologers observe, here’s a brief quote:
“A lot of us breathe a sigh of relief when Mercury retrograde finally ends….But … Enter the Mercury retrograde shadow period—also known as the two weeks before and after Mercury retrograde…This happens because all of the planets travel around the Sun at different speeds so when one overtakes the other, they appear to move backwards… For Mercury, it appears to move backwards when it loops between us and the Sun.” Article here.
Be in touch for your readings (phone or in-person), as well as adjustment times still to Jupiter into Taurus, Pluto into Aquarius and Saturn into Pisces… a huge very many energy shifts since March, including Mercury Shadow and Mars into Leo readings! here.