September’s Double-Whammy
September’s double seasonal shift, after August’s mega-supermoons, has been quite the thing. Not only the end of the 3-month winter season, but also the beginning of the new cosmos to Sun, Sun to Earth, Equinox 3-month season.
Retrogrades Come and Gone
Venus moved Direct in Leo on 4 September. Always a great time to check your relationships/connections status in the weeks before and after a Venus Retrograde. Mercury moved Direct in Virgo on 16 September, and you wouldn’t believe it, or maybe you would, on that exact day my beloved laptop computer from year 2014 gave up the ghost. So my ‘shadow time’ after Mercury clocked Direct has literally been living in the shadows of not being able to post the September e-news I’d actually, for the first time ever, written early, and losing the copy! Finally I am beginning to re-enter some messaging communications! What about you?
September’s Energies in Brief
With September’s Full Moon not happening until the end of the month, we’ve already had the 3rd Qtr Moon (on the 7th in Gemini) and the New Moon (on the 15th in Virgo). And about the Sun…on the 23rd the Sun enters both a new zodiac month (into Libra), and the Equinox happens (on the 23rd), and there’s a 1st Qtr Moon at the Anaretic Degree in Sagittarius joining them on that evening. So expect around the 23rd to be intensive! And now to pulling 2 or 3 cards to mark that date:
Moving Forward Slowly with Awareness
With my intuitive card shuffling from two different decks, out came: Environmental Awareness, which is about your kitchen in as much as about the entire food chain of the planet! And did you know there is only one word in English for ‘kitchen’ and it’s ‘kitchen’… if you suffer from TMJ as I do, get to looking up your thesaurus for alternatives as that ‘sh’ ‘she’ sound can be quite the pain bringer-onner! Moving Forward Slowly from the Doreen Virtue Fairy Deck (you don’t believe in fairies, why not?) means just that, especially after Retrogrades.
Divinity’s Imperative, Sulis
And as for the final card…’Sulis’ from the Doreen Virtue Goddess Deck. To interpret this I would look to astrological water signs, as Sulis is the goddess of water fountains, flowing diva sashes and water/fluid/hydration matters, similar to Aquarius, yet, what water is really in those urns? Is it really water… as long as it’s life giving fluid, even if murky or a bit oily… if it saves a life, then humanitarian Aquarius, not featured until Jan/Feb when Pluto returns there, is what is coming up. So, share and share alike, pay it forward, give blood to the bloodbank if that’s your thing, not really mine I must say with my skinny arms, but I most certainly would to save a life.
At the time of writing this the Moon is in Scorpio trining Neptune in Pisces, and both Saturn and Neptune are Retro in Pisces. Emotions run high for frustrations over not being able to flow with divinity’s greatest dreams for self and others, so keep patient, and look out for that Anaretic Degree 1st Qtr Moon on the 23rd (the 29 degree mark) as if you haven’t completed your heart’s and divinity’s dearest imperatives for your own seed soul purpose, even if only a small step or small needed droplet of a goal, the ‘crisis vibe’ of a 1st Qtr Moon might compel you to stop all else and just do it!
September 2023 Key Astrology Dates
7/9 3rd Qtr Moon 14 Gemini 03
4/9 Venus Direct Leo
15/9 New Moon 21 Virgo 58
16/9 Mercury Direct Virgo
23/9 1st Qtr Moon 29 Sag 32 Anaretic Deg
23/9 Sun into Libra
23/9 Equinox (equinoxes historically far back from ancient times welcome in spring/autumn carnivals)
29/9 Full Moon 06 Aries 00
North Node in Aries
South Node in Libra
Jupiter in Taurus D
Pluto Retro in Capricorn (into Aq again Jan 2024)
cont’d til 12/10 Mars in Libra
Be in touch for your readings (phone, in-person or the popular audio recordings), as well as adjustment times still to the ‘new normal! here.