Pluto – The Biggest Planetary Shift of the Year!
Something huge is changing in our cosmos. The planetary markers that humanity uses for turns and time, measure Pluto shifting out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on 23-3-2023. First the digital era, then the satellite era and now quite clearly the AI futuristic era. So much in the news of late about Artificial Intelligence and our planet’s coming of age. And might this have anything to do with the biggest planetary news shift of the year – Pluto into Aquarius! Yes it does!
Happy Equinox 2023 – And Who Cares! Why Should You?
But first, the Equinox! Occurring on 20 and 21 March, why should you care? Because the March Equinox represents swords across doorways with ‘who goes there?’! Shown in historically relevant mythology as the arrival of the March Hare (hurdle jumping) and Easter, these big cosmic Cross energy portals affect openings and closings of energy between worlds. Significant background decisions are being made, creating more than only the snap-to-other-seasons weather shifts. Some ancient hot cross buns showed T-crosses, so it’s a time to cross those T’s and dot those I’s! Get to it! I know I need to! Chances in the hidden are being given to those who have passed the tests and done the hard yards. What do you need to get done? Or what should have been done by this quarterly marker?
Happy Astrology New Year! It’s the Sun Sign ‘Tropics of’ New Astro Round
The beginning of the New Astrology Tropical Zodiac Sun Sign Year is on 20 or 21 March when the Sun shifts to 00 degs Aries 00 (marking the Equinox). At Equinoxes neither North nor South hemispheres of our planet lean. Yet at Solstices (June and Dec), one hemisphere leans towards the Sun while the other leans away (a description from Skynotes – fab website). It’s the start of a new annual ‘race’, starting with Forced-to-be-First Aries through til 20ish April, feeling Fool or maybe even ready for once. Yet at the 00 Aries again measuring tape of the 360-degree circle, we are all lined up like runners at the equal start line, with wherever the Aries Sector (House) is in our charts, each with different talents, abilities and weaknesses.
Pluto into Aquarius on March 23rd, 2023!
This March, year 2023, a mega cosmic energy shift happens when Pluto enters a new zodiac sign on the 23rd day of the Third Month. With Pluto moving into Aquarius, we have the hope that we are prepared for each, everything and all that the next approx 30 years of Pluto in a new sign, this time Aquarius, will bring. Finally leaving its approx 30 years in Capricorn (and tired and depleted, its last few years featured the pandemic, social isolation and lockdowns) – it’s now the AI age.
At the Edges of our Solar System
Pluto is at the edges of our own solar system (except for the Kwebewanos, which are further out) and, even as a small dwarf planet, represents humanity’s ability to assert its power to protect at its edges. Within each of us the Pluto archetype is how even the smallest atom of our own beings can create a vibrational power to assert its will and how even the smallest butterfly in what has become known as the ‘butterfly effect’ in quantum physics can have a vibrational strength. With Pluto moving into Aquarius, the zodiac sign of hope for humanity and planet, and of the power of the masses, much will change over the next 30 years of this influence.
Next Up! Soon Robots Walking among Humans
Sooner than we know it, robots will be walking among humans. They already do in car testing yards and other types of robotics labs. Aquarius is often associated with the new, the future and needed upgrades that humanity receives in the waters of wisdom and energy poured from the heavens above by different gods or goddesses, or other deities to different humans. So whichever humans received the inspiration to build the satellite dishes that now orbit in a busy might bump into each other, overpacked orbit, in our Earth’s lower earth orbit (LEO) since 1998, and whichever humans received the inspiration to create humanoid robots, it was because the time had come! The future is here!
Action-packed March continues… first Saturn into a new Zodiac sign, Pisces, now Pluto! Be in touch for your update, short or long reading – email, call, text or messenger me: here.