May 2016 Forecasts

What intense astrology of late! It’s as if we’ve each been given a challenge by life that has us feeling pressured, mulling over the past and wanting to solve a chronic problem. Retrograde planets often bring up the past and this May Mercury and Mars stand out not only because they are Retro and stir the pot of the past but also because they make special alignments that stimulate joyful new opportunities, with a big dose of hot and spicy.


June 2016 Forecast

Back in January, the wheel-of-fortune ‘destiny pair’ Jupiter and the North Node made two of their exact alignments. In June, they join for the third and final time. Jupiter is all about increase/expansion, and the North Node represents the soul magnetically pulling us toward our future destiny. Their next conjunction won’t be until June 2023, another 7 years away!…
