1 OCTOBER 2016, LIBRA, Supermoon NO, Eclipse NO
Exact time & zodiac degree of this moon | Understanding New Moons |
Venus, the ruler of this Libra New Moon, is actually in Scorpio, which gives the New Moon a combined Libra/Scorpio vibe. Still, the moon’s in Libra which means that over the following month, fresh eyes come to relationship decisions and agreements, whether with past or current connections. There could be much weighing of pros and cons as some of these choices are very deep and influential. Venus in Scorpio holds the key. She shows that in our hidden natures we all fear betrayal yet we all also crave intimacy, especially with special soul mates, whether family, partners or friends. If we have mastered the Scorpio energy well in our lives, we will know how to hold sacred an intimacy in order to build and maintain trust. We would never reveal something vulnerable or private about another person no matter what happens in the future. If someone we love and have shared intimacy with later walks away and seems to no longer show love or loyalty, and we feel betrayed by them, what do we do? Do we reveal their secrets? If so, we have not mastered the energy of Scorpio. There might be some deeper relationship experiences you’d like at this Libra New Moon but who can you trust, not only now but long into the future? Trust is built from knowing that neither yourself nor the other would betray a secret, a vulnerability or private piece of information shared in confidence if the relationship parted ways in the future. Libra makes the trust promises, and Scorpio helps us work out – through the ups and downs of relating – whether a person is actually capable of following through on their word.